Lease Renewal Agreement Template

A lease renewal agreement is a contract between the landlord and tenant that specifies the terms of extending a lease. The landlord agrees to extend the lease by a specified period, and the tenant agrees to continue renting during that time. The agreement also sets forth any changes in rent or other terms of service that may occur because of the renewal.


This lease renewal agreement (Herein, the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Document.CreatedDate] by and between [Landlord.FirstName] [Landlord.LastName] (herein, "Landlord") whose address is [Landlord.StreetAddress] , and [Tenant.FirstName] [Tenant.LastName] (Herein, the "Tenant") whose address is [Tenant.StreetAddress] .

Landlord is the owner of the following property: [Property.StreetAddress] , a (insert property type) located in [Property.City] [Property.State] . This Agreement is for the renewal of the lease on said property to be occupied by Tenant.

The lease renewal agreement should include all necessary terms, such as rent amount, duration of the lease renewal agreement, provisions for early termination by one party or both parties, and any other pertinent information required by state law or local ordinance.


The Landlord leases to the Tenant and the Tenant leases from the Landlord the property (Herein, the “Premises”) located at [Property.StreetAddress] . The Premises consist of approximately (insert size of property) of rentable space with (insert rooms of the property).

The Landlord and Tenant agree that the Premises are in good condition and fit for the use intended by the parties. The Landlord warrants no known damage to the building, which may cause any alterations or repairs necessary to correct such damage to be charged to the Tenant.


The Landlord and the Tenant had entered into a lease agreement (Herein, the "Original Lease") for the premises described above on (insert date of the original lease agreement). The original lease expires on (insert date).

WHEREAS, the Original Lease was for a term of (insert number of years in the original lease agreement).

WHEREAS, both landlord and tenant have mutually agreed to further extend and amend the original lease as follows:

In most states, landlords must give their tenants advance notice of their intent to renew or not renew the lease within a certain time before it expires. This process is known as “renewal notification.”

This is typically 30 days but can be shorter or longer depending on state law and the terms of your lease.


When it comes time for a tenant to sign a lease renewal agreement, they should know exactly what they are agreeing to. If any changes are made to the original lease, these should be listed in detail within the document, so there is no confusion about what has changed.

In addition to extending the terms, you can further amend the agreement by adding new conditions, such as a change in the rent payment schedule or new pet policies.

The original lease will be renewed for another (insert the number of months/years) starting on (insert date) and ending on (insert date) (herein, the "Renewal term"), with the same terms and conditions as the original lease except as modified herein.

The tenant shall pay the landlord a monthly rent of (insert $amount) for every calendar month throughout the term of this Agreement.

If either party fails to comply with any terms and conditions contained herein and the original lease, such failure shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement and shall, at the request of either party, be subject to termination by giving written notice to the breaching party.

The lease renewal agreement is a contract and must include signatures from both parties—the landlord and tenant—who agree to the terms of the lease renewal agreement. This contract is not valid unless both parties sign it.

If multiple tenants or landlords exist, you can add additional copies of the sections below.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have indicated their agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement by affixing their signatures below on the dates indicated.