Research Visitors FAQs

The Research Visitor I am hiring is a U.S. Citizen. Are they still required to submit a Visiting Researcher Questionnaire?

Yes, the Visiting Researcher Questionnaire is the first step in the process and is required for ALL Research Visitors, including U.S. Citizens or those with Permanent Residency.

Our department/unit has a student who recently graduated or is about to graduate and needs to continue working on a research project until its completed. Do they need to go through the Research Visitor process?

In order to complete research-related publications, certain graduates who have been involved in research need a longer period of access than graduates automatically receive. The Request Process for Continued Access for Graduates will ensure continued access is appropriate and consistent with University PRRs and sponsor terms and conditions.

If the graduating NC State student will be working on new research projects and/or need independent access to research space or online resources to complete tasks outside of the scope of their project from when they were a student, then they should be appointed a UP02 Unpaid Research Scholar job code and complete the Research Visitor process.

Note: Graduating students can ask for an extension for their account to stay active for up to 58 days. The student would need to contact the NC State Help Desk via the NC State IT Service Portal or call 919.515.HELP (4357) to request this extension.

Do previous NC State faculty, staff and students need a background check?

In accordance with University Human Resources rules, all personnel in the UP02 Unpaid Research Scholar job code, which should be used for all Research Visitors, must have a valid background check on file within the past year before they can be approved. Previous NC State faculty, staff and students would be subject to this requirement should they fall into this category.

What is the process for Biomedical Engineering faculty who have a primary appointment with UNC-CH?

These individuals are not considered Research Visitors but do require unpaid appointments in order to fully access NC State resources and system. They should not be processed under the UP02 Unpaid Research Scholar job code or go through the Research Visitor process. Please contact the Biomedical Engineering Business Office if you are hiring an individual in this designation and have any questions:

My department/unit is sponsoring the visa for a full- or part-time NC State employee. How should I signal the need for an Export Controls Screen and Restricted Party Screen?

Please work with the Office of International Services (OIS) to determine the appropriate visa type for this individual and the correct process to complete. If needed, an export controls screen will be completed during the appropriate application process.

If the individual will be placed into an Unpaid Research Scholar (UP02) appointment and requires a J-1 visa sponsorship request from the Office of International Services at NC State, please use the J-1 Scholar Request Procedures to complete your submission through Global Home.

I have a non-NC State faculty member who will be serving on a Graduate Student thesis/dissertation committee and will require a Unity ID/password. Which unpaid job code should I use?

External thesis/dissertation committee members and technical consultants do not require a Unity ID to serve on a Graduate Student thesis committee. For more details, please refer to the NC State Graduate Handbook.

If such a committee member is involved in research beyond simply serving on the thesis committee and does require a Unity ID to access NC State facilities that individual is considered a Research Visitor and should go through the full process and be provided access by utilizing the UP02 Unpaid Research Scholar job code.

Emeritus Faculty can serve on a Graduate Student thesis/dissertation committee utilizing the UP10 Unpaid Emeritus job code and do not need a UP02 appointment. This is in accordance with paragraph 2.5 of POL 05.20.02 and section 1.3A of the NC State Graduate Handbook.

Can Emeritus Faculty serve on a Graduate Student thesis/dissertation committee?

Yes, Emeritus Faculty can serve on a Graduate Student thesis/dissertation committee utilizing the UP10 Unpaid Emeritus job code. This is in accordance with paragraph 2.5 of POL 05.20.02 and section 1.3A of the NC State Graduate Handbook.

I have someone seeking a courtesy appointment outside of their primary department in order to perform research with another unit. Do they need to go through the Research Visitor process?

No. In this case, the individual already has full access to NC State facilities and online resources from their full- or part-time position. Please process these courtesy appointment requests using the UP11 Faculty All Ranks unpaid job code and complete the required documentation.

We have a group or company leasing space in a building managed by my department/unit. Do they need a Research Visitor appointment to receive a WolfPack One Card and swipe access into the building?

No. These individuals and any research they conduct are not NC State-affiliated and, therefore, will not require an unpaid position with NC State. There is a separate request process for receiving a WolfPack One Card for individuals who require door access only and are not in need of a Unity ID and NC State identity. Please use the WolfPack One Card Request form:

Is a participant in an Undergraduate Research Experience program required to go through the Research Visitor process?

It depends. Non-NC State undergraduate students who are participating in an Undergraduate Research Experience program and require independent access to research space or online resources are captured under the UP02 Unpaid Research Scholar job code and are required to complete the Research Visitor process. For specific instructions on processing Undergraduate Research Experience program participant Research Visitors, please visit the VRQ page.

NC State undergraduate students do not have to complete the process, as they are already subject to NC State’s NC State Policies, Regulations and Rules .

I have an individual who has a full-time or part-time appointment with NC State in a unit different from the one they are looking to receive a courtesy appointment for additional research efforts. Are they a research visitor?

No. In this case, the individual already has full access to NC State facilities and online resources from their full- or part-time position. Please process these courtesy appointment requests using the UP11 Faculty All Ranks job code and complete the required documentation.

Our department has an incoming faculty member who needs to submit a proposal or transfer an award prior to their official start date. Do they need an unpaid Research Visitor appointment?

No. Incoming faculty should not be given an unpaid Research Visitor (UP02) appointment solely for the purpose of submitting proposals. If an incoming EHRA faculty needs “investigator” status in order to submit proposals or transfer existing awards to NC State prior to their hire date,visit Pre-Hire Eligibility | Research Administration and Compliance for additional information.

What if the Research Visitor is not willing to sign the Visiting Researcher Agreement and/or there is an alternative agreement already in place to govern the terms of the visit?

In some cases, an alternative agreement is already in place and/or should be requested to cover a larger research collaboration between the two entities, including the involvement of a research visitor.

If already established, Sponsored Programs will review the existing agreement to ensure it contains appropriate terms to cover the Visit.

If the VRA is part of a larger collaboration that is not covered by another agreement, you will want to work with the research administrator in your department or college who handles pre-award contracts to route a PINS record containing the scope of work so that the appropriate agreement can be put into place, incorporating terms from the VRA as necessary.

If the VRA is not part of a larger collaboration and the terms and conditions of the general VRA are not acceptable to the Research Visitor, ORI Research Operations will coordinate with the Office of General Counsel to review any edits requested by the visitor.

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